One thing that Asia and the Mediterranean have in common is rice.

There are currently 2,000 different rice varieties in the world, but only a few of them are grown on a massive scale. Most of the rice we use nowadays belongs to two wild rice varieties; one native to Asian “Oryza Sativa” from the mountains of the Himalaya and another one native to Africa “Oryza Glaberrima” from the river delta in Niger.

Depending on the size of its grain, there can be different types of rice:

  • LONG GRAIN: more than 6 mm, light and dry. This rice doesn’t stick after getting cold so it may be used in salads.

Aromatic rice is within this category: Basmati from India and Pakistan; Thai rice with jasmine scent; Ferranini from Italy; and American Bond rice, among others.

  • MEDIUM GRAIN: between 5 and 6 mm, it’s shorter, rounder and thicker than long-grain rice. This rice has a lighter texture and flavour.

Within the medium-grain category it is worth mentioning the Bomba and Carnaroli rice, the most common in Spanish recipes.

  • SHORT OR ROUND GRAIN: 4-5 mm, the grain is almost circular and the grain easily sticks together at room temperature. It is also the fastest to boil. This rice is generally used to make risottos, rice pudding and soupy rice.

Glutinous rice is mainly used in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. It is especially suitable for sushi as it sticks together due to a high content of starch.

There are other types of rice: 

  • Pigmented rice: grain of different colours. The red one comes from Asia; the black one is also Asian and is often grown in China, Indonesia and Thailand.
  • Brown rice: it maintains most of the grain’s coating and it has a high content of fibre.
  • Steamed rice or “parboiled”: very similar to brown rice as it has the same nutritional values. It takes the longest to boil and its grains don’t stick.


Are you getting hungry after all this rice talk? At the 5-star Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa you can enjoy our luxury restaurants and sample our excellent Asian and Mediterranean rice, just come visit and the choice will be yours.