Lucky numbers in China

We are about to say goodbye to 2015 at the luxury hotel in Alicante Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa. And to start the year off on the right foot, we want to tell you about the lucky numbers in China.

Chinese culture considers good luck very important. It has different believes about it and with its connection with numbers. Numbers differ from auspicious and ominous ones. They came up with a system of lucky numbers depending on their pronunciation. If a number sounds like a word, which means good luck, it will be considered as an auspicious number. They usually regard even numbers are more auspicious than odd ones.

Number one. This is an auspicious number. Its pronunciation is related to positive words such as Yang, masculine or celestial.

Number two. Two sounds similar to the word yin or feminine. It is also considered a lucky number.

Number three. It is an auspicious number. Three sounds similar to the word birth in Chinese.

Number four. This number is the exception to the even number rule. Chinese culture believes four is an ominous number. They always try to avoid this number in their every day life.

Number five. It is considered as a lucky number due to the place it takes on the number scheme, in the middle (1-5-9). It is also linked to the five elements (water, fire, earth, air and metal).

Number six. It is linked to the six senses; Chinese culture includes the mind as a sixth sense. Number six also symbolizes happiness.

Number seven. This number symbolizes a union. It is a lucky number for relationships. Asian culture regards number seven as a neutral number.

Number eight. It is an auspicious number. Eight sounds similar to prosperity or wealth.

Number nine. This is a lucky number because it sounds like the word long-lasting. In the past, number nine was linked to the Emperor of China, who usually wore nine dragons on his clothes.

Begin 2016 with good luck by celebrating New Year´s Eve with us at the resort Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa. You will be able to enjoy all of the luxury and mystery of Asia in the most special night of the year. We are looking forward to seeing you at our Masskara Festival!