The best known and most loved “Farang” (Foreigner) in Thailand: the story of Jim Thompson

Thailand is the country in the world with the best quality silkand a great tradition of manual weaving silk fabric. This is one of the main souvenirs to be purchased in Thailand, highly recommended by any renowned tour guide in the country.

Today, in our blog we would like to tell you about this American man who became so famous and popular in Thailand, and what his relationship with silk consisted of: Jim Thompson.

This architect was born in 1906 and he was recluted as a CIA agent, a spy, during the II World War.

After the II World War was finished, and having spent some time in Ceilan, he moved to Thailand where he discovered the fascinating world of weaving silk fabric.

In spite of the fact that Thai people back then prefered to invest in products coming from Europe, once he quit his career as a spy, Jim Thompson wanted to focus on keeping the country’s traditions regarding weaving wonderful silkfabric.

Shortly after starting up his business, through his former American and European contacts as a spy, his fabrics started to get used in a musical call The King and I, it was then thathis business took off against all odds.

Just like us at the Asia Gardens, Jim Thompson decided to focus on the needs of his customers, paying attention to every Little detail. He is a role model for us and that is why we do our best to pay attention to every detail which will make your stay in our luxury resort in Alicante, perfect, as perfect as the quality of his colourful silk Thai. If you have already visited us, you must know that those details are the ones that will turn your stay in our hotel into a unique experience.

Thanks to his visión as an entrepeneur, this famous “farang” (foreigner) knew not only how to get the most spectacular combinations of colours in his silk, but he also managed to employ a significant part of the most disadvantaged population in Thailand, hence why he is so well known and loved.

But the most mysterious part of the story of this interesting character in Thailand’s most recent history, is that he went for a walk in Malaysia in 1967 and he never came back…

Nowadays, his business continues to be one of the main sources of income in the country, and that is why, from our blog in Asia Gardens, we wanted to share this colourful and mysterious story… the colours of Jim Thompson’s silk fabric.While you organize a visit to his shops in Thailand, we would like to welcome you to our luxury hotel in the Mediterranean, come and get away from everything for a few days…